Acts 2:44 says, "And all who believed were together and had all things in common."
On April 28th, the memberships of both BMC and 242 voted unaminously to become one church. In just over 5 months, God has brough together two congregations who were just 4 minutes apart. Both were praying and waiting for the Lord to show them what God had for the future. God has answered our prayers in ways we couldn't even imagine.
God is doing something special in our midst. We continue to press forward, looking to the future knowing that the same God that has brought us together, has our future. This Sunday, May 19th, we will worship outside to celebrate God bringing us to this moment of togetherness.
May this time of celebration serve as a memorial of God's faithfulness for the 244 years Boyertown Mennonite Church has worshipped as a local church. What an amazing legacy to celebrate as a new chapter is written in the form of 242 Community Church.
Together...for the glory of God! May we make much of Jesus in our community. Lord, we are yours.